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Quartet pointing at the lead

How to Audition and Join


Successful auditionees are EITHER strong singers with extensive ensemble and/or stage experience, OR motivated novices who can/wish to (1) learn music and apply musical instruction quickly,

(2) perform with emotional intent, and (3) have fun and stay humble in the process. 



Successful auditionees tend to have some type of experience in at least one vocal discipline: 

choral, karaoke, barbershop, pop, jazz, theater, opera, or something else (even shower singing counts!).

A collection of singers with diverse crafts creates a richer experience for all of us.

Thus, we want classical choristers just as much as we want barbershop posters,

jazz crooners, bass woofers, and tenor riffers!



We memorize all of our music, and we provide learning tracks to help our singers accomplish that outside of rehearsal. You can get by without reading music well if you practice enough at home (practicing at home will be necessary even for strong music readers), but basic facility with rhythm, phrasing, and general musicianship is helpful for understanding musical instruction and applying it quickly in rehearsal.


Auditions happen after you have attended at least three times. 

Email at least one week before the date you intend to audition. We’ll coordinate with you to schedule an exact date and time for your audition, typically after a rehearsal.



Your audition will take place outside of the rehearsal space in front of a small group of chorus leaders.

No other candidates will be present. The experience is relaxed, informal, and collaborative:

we want you to do well! Further, you are not competing against anyone else when

you audition—if every auditionee meets our bar, we’ll accept the whole lot!



Your audition will last 10 to 20 minutes and will consist of the following:

(1) Perform a brief excerpt of any song you want, unaccompanied (less than a minute)

(2) Perform "Sweet and Lovely", memorized, in a quartet with three of our music leaders filling out the other parts. This will let you show off  your ensemble-singing skills, memorization skills, and detail-orientedness.

(3) Receive feedback and we may ask you to you sing through certain portions again as needed and/or sing easy exercises to better understand your voice.

Click the button below to access the file of audition materials for the quartet portion.

Our singers are glad to sing with you before or after any rehearsal to practice the audition experience.


  1. Attend at least three rehearsals

  2. Memorize your preferred voice part on Sweet and Lovely. 

  3. Let us know at least one week prior that you want to audition.

  4. Show up for your audition!


And that’s everything! Remember that we’re rooting for you.

Let us know if you have any questions!



If you don’t pass your audition, you can re-audition as many times as you’d like. You are welcome to keep attending rehearsals to hone your craft. Once you are successful, you can opt into or out of various performances as your availability changes. If you are absent for more than one year, a re-audition may be needed to revisit your abilities.

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